Bernardo's picture goes here. WIP.


My name is Bernardo Gonzalez. I’m a Machine Learning Scientist from Mexico with 7+ years of academic and industrial experience.

Main interests

Clustering algorithms, Generative models, Learning from Contradictions.


All papers in Google scholar.


Some code releases

  • MVTec data loader. Data loader for the MVTec dataset for benchmarking anomaly detection methods with a focus on industrial inspection.
  • DOC3. Code for the DOC3 paper published in the Machine Learning journal in 2023.


  • PhD. in Computer Science. UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA, transferred to CIC-IPN, Mexico City (in progress).
  • Msc. in Computer Science. UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA.
  • MSc. in Computer Science. CIC-IPN, Mexico City.
  • BSc. in Mechatronics. UPIITA-IPN, Mexico City.


  • Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms. Spring 2020. Teaching Assistant for Prof. Patrick Tantalo
  • Foundations of Data Science. Spring 2019. Graduate Teaching Assistant for Prof. Yang Liu
  • Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms. Fall 2018. Teaching Assistant for Prof. Nina Bhatti


  • Advice for early-career data scientists. Tec de Monterrey CEM, Fall 2023
  • Analyzing model’s performance through VC-dimension. Intuition Machines, Spring 2022
  • Robust loss functions for large scale Graph SLAM. Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Summer 2017
  • Clustering pre-processing for SVM. Machine Learning Lab Seminar, Fall 2016